Motto: “Capacitar conhecimento e mudanca de mentalidades” (Empowering Knowledge and changing mindsets). Purpose: Acquiring Education and knowledge through Career and Skills. Leadership is not measured by how many people that served you, but by how many people you served, because service is the greatest leadership, as anytime a Leader wants to be served it becomes a parasite. So we take people from been followers to make them Leaders who will empower the devastated communities.
We are creating the atmosphere and opportunity to have Primary, Secondary and University institution in one environment and prepare the students well ahead from the primary stage to know the profession they are undertaken. All the courses we offer are basically to equip the student in practical professional skills that enable and empower him/her to be independently sufficient and to grow the society, and not mere theoretical lecture.
Our institution will provide jobs placement for our students once they finish their course; which means we will create a job development and job employment opportunity.
We shall be having online and offline classes. on many of our courses where necessary and where we could be able to pay our teachers and they wouldn't have to come out of their home, using the technology that is available. It's a lot faster and safer and just as effective and very cost effective. The good news is that we can reach people from all over the world with the Social media platforms that are available.
Millions of educated and uneducated unemployed men, women and youths are our target because numerous peoples of the world especially Africans and the third world countries need the skills and knowledge. Impact Africa Technical University is birthed at this new era in the history of the world by empowering Leaders with exposure through global learning, removal of inferiority complex and increase proximity in learning and information.
In observation of the holy scripture according to 2 Timothy 2:15; “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”.
In the modern day religions of falsehood, materialism and mediocrity, Impact Africa Technical University as an institution is strictly designed to help students develop self-independence, remove ignorance, and selfish practices in faith wherever they found themselves in accordance with the holy scripture in 1 Thessalonians 4:11; “And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you”.
This will extinguish the recycling of mediocre and falsehoods in religion, and equip political and religious Leaders who not only are useful on the pulpit and in their chambers, but also valuable stakeholders in their communities and society at large by empowering their minds to expand and think. It is very important to study and be proficiently diligent in your area of calling and services to humanity.
Most people, especially the people of the third world are limited and ignorant with regards to the existence of the globe and the happenings around the world; hence some have their self-analyses of persons and situation based on their parochial knowledge of the globe.
University Goal:
Our Board Members
Read More Prof. Archbp Chidiebere A. Ogbu
President -
Read More Chidiebere O. Ogbu ESQ
Registra and Legal Advisory -
Read More DR Clarence Archibald Greene
Vice President